Rancho Bernardo Inn Men’s Golf Club

Minutes of the Meeting of the 2025 RBIMGC Board of Directors

January 16, 2025


The meeting was held in the RBI Veranda bar. In attendance were Tom Christopher, and Jerry Canning,  Dave Schwartz,  and Scott Hamelin, Jeff Bondesson,  Bob Lohneiss, Brad Sandstrom, Bryan Murphy, Mike McKinnis

The following board members were absent: Johnny Watson, and Joe Walkington.

De to the absence of Secretary, Johnny Watson, President Dave Schwartz announced that Tom Christopher would record the meeting minutes.



The meeting was called to order at 9:00 AM by President Dave Schwartz


Director of Golf’s Report – Evan Biundo. Evan discussed the course conditions.

About the greens: He noted that the greens are not being cut or rolled. He noted that the speed of the greens are primarily due the cool daytime and cold nighttime temperatures, the dryness of the air due to the winds and the lack of an rainfall.. The teams do try to find as flat an area for the pin as possible due to the high rolling speeds.

About the fairways: Evan again stated that the lack of rain is causing some fairway conditions to be sub optimal. The well water is not ideal for the poa annua grass nor the seasonal rye grass.  He stated that the kikuyu grass will begin filling in in the March/April time frame and that the course has set money aside for plugging open spots in that March/April time frame.


Secretary’s Report – Johnny Watson/Tom Christopher:


Tom noted that the minutes of the December 19, 2024, Board of Directors meeting had been circulated for comment by Johnny, revised and posted on the website. Tom asked for a motion to approve the minutes. MSUA.


Treasurer’s Report – Bob Lohneiss:

Bob discussed in detail the Treasurer’s report for the overall budget. Several items were clarified and the budget proposal was accepted. He reported that the Club is financially sound.


Membership Report – Jerry Canning:

New Members Jerry reported that the Club added 3 new member(s) since the last Board meeting.

December 31st Renewal update:

Of the 70 full member(s) who had December 31st renewal dates, 61renewed renewed their memberships for 2025. The 9 members who did ot renew chose to do so for reasons unrelated to the Club

Non-Dec 31st renewals: there are 6 member(s) whose membership renewal is due before the next board meeting.

Non-renewals Non-December31st Jerry reported there were 4 non-renewals

New applicant(s) in pipeline Jerry also reported that there is 4 new applicant(s) in the pipeline.


The total membership on January 16, 2025 is 171: 164 full members and seven Courtesy members and 1 associate member.

This number compares to 175 at this time last year.


Handicap Chairman – Brad Sandstrom: no update.



Tournament Chairman – Dave Schwartz forJoe Walkington: Joe sent out an email in his absence. It was mainly around the Presidents Cup. We have moved that tournament back into March to try to stay away from the June vacation timeline. Toward that effort, Joe sent out an email to the members announcing the upcoming schedule.




Rules Committee – Scott Hamelin:

Scott noted the course conditions have resulted in the Club stating that members can play the fairways as “ground under repair” for the immediate future. However, Scott noted that the Club is incorrectly using the term “ground under repair to describe the relief we are offering our players when we are actually granting players to “lift, clean and place – nearest point of relief” on the fairways.



Web site – Tom Christopher: Only update was that tournament results are purged for tournaments older than 6 months


Open Discussion:

The Board talked about the Pinehurst dinner, date and time and details. Additionally, the Board agreed that we would stop sending minutes to past presidents that are no longer club members.

Dave Schwartz discussed the possibility of the club acquiring the GG tournament Premium option that would allow the players to post their scores directly into GG via their phones. After discussion, the Board decided that more research, additional information and investigations into possible cost offsets were necessary before the Board could properly evaluate the cost / benefit of investing in this software upgrade.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:03 AM.

Respectfully submitted,

Tom Christopher, in place of Johnny Watson,  Secretary

Rancho Bernardo Inn Men’s Golf Club

Minutes of the Organizational Meeting of the 2025 RBIMGC Board of Directors

December 19, 2024


The meeting was held in the RBI Veranda bar. In attendance were Johnny Watson, Jerry Canning,  Dave Schwartz, Joe Walkington, Bob Lohneiss, Bryan Murphy and Brad Sandstrom . 

The following board members were absent: Jeff Bondesson, Scott Hamelin, and Mike McKinnis, Tom Christopher.


The meeting was called to order at 9:51  AM by President David Schwartz.


Election of Board Officers

Jerry Canning made a motion that the following Board members be designated as officers of the Board.

President – David Schwartz

Vice President – Jeff Bondesson

Secretary – Johnny Watson

Treasurer – Bob Lohneiss



David  welcomed the new members to the Board of Directors, Bob Lohneiss, Bryan Murphy, Mike McKinnis, Tom Christopher.


President David Schwartz announced the Chairman and committee members for the coming year.


Director of Tournaments – Chair Joe Walkington, Brad Sandstrom

Nomination Committee Chairman – Jeff Bondesson

Membership Chairman – Jerry Canning.  Committee, Johnny Watson

Handicap Chairman – Brad Sandstrom. Committee, Jeff Bondesson

Rules Chairman – Dave Schwartz. Committee, Joe Walkington

SCGA Rep & Special Projects – David Schwartz

Website Chairman –  Tom Christopher



Board meetings to be held the 3rd Thursday of each month in the Veranda Bar.

Next meeting 9:00 AM, January 16, 2025.  


Open Discussion


Bob Lohneiss requested that a motion be made and adopted to update the official signatories on the Club’s bank account. The change would be to delete Gregg Gattuso and John Kersey from the account and add Bob Lohneiss and David Schwartz for 2025.



David Schwartz announced a log in change for new BOD: URL:www.rbimgc,com/wp-admin


Username: rbimgcbirdie01

New Password: to be sent by Tom Christopher after January 1, 2025.

Jerry Canning asked for a motion to approve the Club’s four complimentary members – Jamie Lemon, Evan Biundo, Matt Loflen and Paul Kipfstuhl and to approve the Club’s three courtesy complimentary members – Dave Buckles, Jeff Baz and Adair Warren for 2025.




The Pinehurst dinner will be February 6, 6:00PM, Carvers. Details to follow. Wives invited but paid for by respective members.


Bob Lohneiss shared a proposed budget for 2025.  This will be discussed at the January BOD meeting and Bob will offer a 12 month pro forma budget for review.  


The Organizational Meeting was adjourned by President Schwartz at 10:16 AM.


Respectfully Submitted,

Johnny Watson, Secretary




Rancho Bernardo Inn Men’s Golf Club

Minutes of the Meeting of the 2024 RBIMGC Board of Directors

December 19, 2024


The meeting was held in the RBI Veranda bar. In attendance were Gregg Gattuso, Norm Blades, Johnny Watson, John Kersey, Brad Sandstrom, Jerry Canning, Joe Walkington, Roger Smith  and David Schwartz.  

Absent: Jeff Bondesson, Scott Hamelin.

Three of the four new members of the Board of Directors for 2025 were in attendance as guests of the 2024 Board to observe the meeting. The new board members in attendance were Bryan Murphy, Bob Lohneiss and Tom Christopher. New board member Mike McKinnis was unable to attend. 


The meeting was called to order at 9:00 AM by Gregg Gattuso. 


Director of Golf’s Report – Evan Biundo 

Evan noted the course maintenance continues with no big changes in 2025.  Concerning the course condition he commented that the greens remain fast.  That is partly due to cold temperature and  the grass is slow growing but mower settings  have not changed.   Work will continue on the sand in bunkers 12, 16, and 13.   Red flags on #15 have been moved back due to the speed and slope of the green. 


Secretary’s Report – Johnny Watson:

Johnny noted that the minutes of the November 14, 2024, Board of Directors meeting had been circulated for comment, revised and posted on the website. Johnny asked for a motion to approve the minutes. 



Treasurer’s Report – John Kersey:

John discussed in detail the Treasurer’s report for the one-month period of time ending December 19, 2024.  John reviewed the cash receipts and disbursements and reported the club’s finances are sound. 


Membership Report – Jerry Canning:

Since the November 14, 2024 Board meeting, the Club added two new members, had five members (with non- December 31st renewal dates) renew their memberships and two members declined to renew their membership in the Club. There are two applicants in the pipeline and there are 5 members (with non-December 31st anniversary/renewal dates) who are due to renew their memberships by the January board meeting.

In addition, Jerry Canning reported that out of 66 Full members who have December 31, 2024 anniversary/renewal dates, 50 have already renewed as of December 19, 2024, four members indicated that they were not going to renew due to health issues and 12 have yet to renew or respond.


Handicap Chairman – Norm Blades:

Norm reported one new player needs 10 recorded scores to participate in the sweeps competition.  Discussion followed that he had played at RBI but no scores were recorded in GHIN.  Norm will look into the discrepancy.  Two members received handicap adjustments, one for health reasons and another for a member that has not played for a long time and whose index from several years ago was not reflective of his current game. The temporary indexes run until the end of January .


Tournament Chairman –  Joe Walkington:

Joe said indexes in 4 of the last 5 rounds were adjusted due to higher than normal scoring.  Also he commented that participation of our tournaments were increasing with new members.


Rules Committee – David Schwartz:

David reported no changes for the last month.


Web site –  Scott Hamelin:

Incoming board member Tom Christopher will look into the ownership of our Google shared account which is currently Johnny Goeble.  He will attempt to change this.


Open Discussion:

  • Gregg Gattuso reported  the Anniversary Cup  trophies are being engraved and will be delivered when finished.  
  • David Schwartz said  our need to report concerning the Corporate Transparency Act continues to be reviewed.  John Kersey added information from his HOA board on the subject. 
  • A motion was made  to raise the sweeps from $7 to $8 effective January 1, 2025. MSUA.
  • Jerry Canning thanked the retiring members of the Board of Directors for their service to the RBIMGC.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:47 AM.

Respectfully submitted,  

Johnny Watson, Secretary


Rancho Bernardo Inn Men’s Golf Club

Revised Minutes of the Meeting of the 61st Annual Members ‘Dinner and Meeting’

November 12, 2024

The Annual Meeting and Dinner of the members of the Rancho Bernardo Inn Men’s Golf Club was held on November 12, 2024 in the Bernardo Ballroom. The meeting was called to order at 6:45 PM by President Gregg Gattuso.


Welcome remarks, Introduction of RB Inn Guests – Gattuso

Gregg welcomed the members to the 61st annual dinner for the Rancho Bernardo Inn Men’s Golf Club. Gregg introduced the members of the 2024 Board of Directors. He then introduced the past presidents who were in attendance.


Guest Speaker:  Jamie Lemon


Allan Casper Acknowledged those former members who have passed away since our last annual meeting.


Recap of 2024:  Gattuso did a recap of the past year.


Secretary’s Report – Johnny Watson:


Johnny noted that the minutes of the November, 2023, annual member meeting had been circulated for comment by Tom Christopher, revised and posted on the website. Johnny asked for a motion to approve the minutes. MSUA.


Treasurer’s Report –John Kersey:

John discussed in detail the Treasurer’s report for the one-year period of time ending November 12, 2024. He reported that the Club is financially sound. 


Membership Report – Jerry Canning:

Jerry reported that the Club added 17  new member(s) since January 1, 2024, there were 87 members with non-December 31 renewal dates who renewed their membership since January 1, 2024.  There were 8 members who did not renew their memberships and 66 members whose membership is due for renewal before December 31, 2024.

The total membership as of November 12, 2024 was 181: 174 full members and 7 courtesy members. This compares to 181 members at this time last year.


Dinner Break: 7:20 to 7:45


Election of 2025 Board of Directors Johnny Watson:   The nominees were announced:  Tom Christopher, Bob Lohneiss, Bryan Murphy, Mike McKinnis, Jerry Canning, Joe Walkington, Johnny Watson, Jeff Bondesson, Dave Schwartz, Scott Hamelin, and Brad Sandstrom. Johnny  asked for a motion to accept the nominees. MSUA.


Guest Speaker Evan Biundo


Presentation cash cards and trophies for 2024 Special Tournaments – Gattuso


Spring Member-Member winners:  Tom Connolly and Bryan Murphy.  Joe Walkington presented them with their trophies.


President’s Cup winners:   Jerry Canning  announced the winners, Gregg Gattuso passed out the cash cards and trophies to the winners. A flight winner: Robert Ciavarella. B flight winner: Dennis Will.


Annual Golf Day winners:  Gregg Gattuso announced the winners, Giri Durbhakula and Mike Foster were winners.  Jeff Bondesson  handed out the trophies. 


Top 10 Money WinnersJohn Kersey

John announced the top 10 money winners for the complete year.


After the adjournment of the formal part of the meeting at 8:12PM, raffle prizes were awarded to almost half the attendees.  RBI employees and past presidents in attendance were not eligible to win a raffle prize.


There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:27 PM.


Respectfully submitted,  

Johnny Watson, Secretary



Rancho Bernardo Inn Men’s Golf Club

Revised Minutes of the Meeting of the 2024 RBIMGC Board of Directors

November 14, 2024


The meeting was held in the RBI Veranda bar. In attendance were Gregg Gattuso, Norm Blades, Johnny Watson, John Kersey, Brad Sandstrom, Jeff Bondesson, Jerry Canning, Joe Walkington, and David Schwartz.  Bob Lohneiss attended the meeting.

Absent: Roger Smith, Scott Hamelin.

The meeting was called to order at 9:00 AM by Gregg Gattuso. 


Director of Golf’s Report – Evan Biundo 

Evan thanked the club for the Annual Meeting this week.  He said the raffle prizes were well received.  Course work continues on the bunkers #12, #16 are being restored.  The green side bunkers are ½ way completed.  The greens are quick now because of the temperature and being dry.  The tee boxes have been overseeded with rye.  The driving range has been overseeded for aesthetic appearance.  


Secretary’s Report – Johnny Watson:

Johnny noted that the minutes of the October 17, 2024, Board of Directors meeting had been circulated for comment, revised and posted on the website. Johnny asked for a motion to approve the minutes. 



Treasurer’s Report – John Kersey:

John discussed in detail the Treasurer’s report for the one-month period of time ending November 14, 2024.  John provided the Secretary the information to change the signatories for check signing.  John reviewed the cash receipts and disbursements and reported the club’s finances are sound. 


Membership Report – Jerry Canning:

As of November 14  we have 1 new member.  We have 3 membership renewals and 0 non-renewals.  There are 2  new applicants in the pipeline.  Total membership is 181 vs 181 this time last year. 


Handicap Chairman – Norm Blades:

Norm reported one new member has an index of 8.2 but is scoring in the low 90’s.  He recommended changing his index to a 15 so as to be fair to the teams he plays with.  The board agreed with Norm and instructed him to change the player’s index as proposed.


Tournament Chairman –  Joe Walkington:

Joe said we would have more 4 man tournaments.  He also reminded us the Dec. 2 tournament will be at Twin Oaks at 8:30 and Roger Smith will be TD.


Rules Committee – David Schwartz:

David discussed using the Golf Genius real time version.  He said the cost would be $3700 to purchase and $2500 renewal each year.  After much discussion it was tabled for future meetings.


Web site –  Scott Hamelin:

No report.


Open Discussion:

We agreed the Annual dinner and golf day was successful.  

The topic of Pace of Play was discussed.  The Board concluded that the Club should continue to have players record the start and ending times on scorecards.  

The fairways are thin due to not overseeding with rye so the board decided to play all fairways as ground under repair until further notice. Balls will still be played down in the rough.

The Corporate Transparency Act was discussed.  Gregg asked David Schwartz to take the lead on this to determine our requirements as a non-profit golf club. 


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:08 AM.


Respectfully submitted,  

Johnny Watson, Secretary


Rancho Bernardo Inn Men’s Golf Club

Minutes of the Meeting of the 2024 RBIMGC Board of Directors

November 14, 2024


The meeting was held in the RBI Veranda bar. In attendance were Gregg Gattuso, Norm Blades, Johnny Watson, John Kersey, Brad Sandstrom, Jeff Bondesson, Jerry Canning, Joe Walkington, and David Schwartz.  Bob Lohneiss attended the meeting.

Absent: Roger Smith, Scott Hamelin.

The meeting was called to order at 9:00 AM by Gregg Gattuso. 


Director of Golf’s Report – Evan Biundo 

Evan thanked the club for the Annual Meeting this week.  He said the raffle prizes were well received.  Course work continues on the bunkers #12, #16 are being restored.  The green side bunkers are ½ way completed.  The greens are quick now because of the temperature and being dry. Bermuda continues to grow on the fairways for the winter.  The tee boxes have been overseeded with rye.  The driving range has been overseeded for aesthetic appearance.  


Secretary’s Report – Johnny Watson:

Johnny noted that the minutes of the October 17, 2024, Board of Directors meeting had been circulated for comment, revised and posted on the website. Johnny asked for a motion to approve the minutes. 



Treasurer’s Report – John Kersey:

John discussed in detail the Treasurer’s report for the one-month period of time ending November 14, 2024.  John provided the Secretary the information to change the signatories for check signing.  John reviewed the cash receipts and disbursements and reported the club’s finances are sound. 


Membership Report – Jerry Canning:

As of November 14  we have 1 new member.  We have 3 membership renewals and 0 non-renewals.  There are 2  new applicants in the pipeline.  Total membership is 181 vs 181 this time last year. 


Handicap Chairman – Norm Blades:

Norm reported one new member has an index of 8.2 but is scoring in the low 90’s.  He recommended changing his index to a 16 so as to be fair to the teams he plays with.  The board agreed with Norm and instructed him to change the player’s index as proposed.


Tournament Chairman –  Joe Walkington:

Joe said we would have more 4 man tournaments.  He also reminded us the Dec. 2 tournament will be at Twin Oaks at 8:30 and Roger Smith will be TD.


Rules Committee – David Schwartz:

David discussed using the Golf Genius real time version.  He said the cost would be $3700 to purchase and $2500 renewal each year.  After much discussion it was tabled for future meetings.


Web site –  Scott Hamelin:

No report.


Open Discussion:

We agreed the Annual dinner and golf day was successful.  

The topic of Pace of Play was discussed.  The Board concluded that the Club should continue to have players record the start and ending times on scorecards.

The Corporate Transparency Act was discussed.  Gregg asked David Schwartz to take the lead on this to determine our requirements as a non-profit golf club. 


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:08 AM.


Respectfully submitted,  

Johnny Watson, Secretary



Rancho Bernardo Inn Men’s Golf Club

Minutes of the Meeting of the 61st Annual Members ‘Dinner and Meeting’

November 12, 2024


The Annual Meeting and Dinner of the members of the Rancho Bernardo Inn Men’s Golf Club was held on November 12, 2024 in the Bernardo Ballroom. The meeting was called to order at 6:45 PM by President Gregg Gattuso.


Welcome remarks, Introduction of RB Inn Guests – Gattuso

Gregg welcomed the members to the 61st annual dinner for the Rancho Bernardo Inn Men’s Golf Club. Gregg introduced the members of the 2024 Board of Directors. He then introduced the past presidents who were in attendance.


Guest Speaker:  Jamie Lemon


Allan Casper Acknowledged those former members who have passed away since our last annual meeting.


Recap of 2024:  Gattuso did a recap of the past year.


Secretary’s Report – Johnny Watson:


Johnny noted that the minutes of the November, 2023, annual member meeting had been circulated for comment by Tom Christopher, revised and posted on the website. Johnny asked for a motion to approve the minutes. MSUA.


Treasurer’s Report –John Kersey:

John discussed in detail the Treasurer’s report for the one-year period of time ending November 12, 2024. He reported that the Club is financially sound. 


Membership Report – Jerry Canning:

Jerry reported that the Club added 17  new member(s) since January 1, 2024, there were 87 members with non-December 31 renewal dates who renewed their membership since January 1, 2024.  There were 8 members who did not renew their memberships and 66 members whose membership is due for renewal before December 31, 2024.

The total membership as of November 12, 2024 was 181: 174 full members and 7 courtesy members. This compares to 181 members at this time last year.


Dinner Break: 7:20 to 7:45


Election of 2025 Board of Directors Johnny Watson:   The nominees were announced:  Tom Christopher, Bob Lohneiss, Bryan Murphy, Mike McKinnis, Jerry Canning, Joe Walkington, Johnny Watson, Jeff Bondesson, Roger Smith, Dave Schwartz, Scott Hamelin, and Brad Sandstrom. Johnny  asked for a motion to accept the nominees. MSUA.


Guest Speaker Evan Biundo


Presentation cash cards and trophies for 2024 Special Tournaments – Gattuso


Spring Member-Member winners:  Tom Connolly and Bryan Murphy.  Joe Walkington presented them with their trophies.


President’s Cup winners:   Jerry Canning  announced the winners, Gregg Gattuso passed out the cash cards and trophies to the winners. A flight winner: Robert Ciavarella. B flight winner: Dennis Will.


Annual Golf Day winners:  Gregg Gattuso announced the winners, Giri Durbhakula and Mike Foster were winners.  Jeff Bondesson  handed out the trophies. 


Top 10 Money WinnersJohn Kersey

John announced the top 10 money winners for the complete year.


After the adjournment of the formal part of the meeting at 8:12PM, raffle prizes were awarded to almost half the attendees.  RBI employees and past presidents in attendance were not eligible to win a raffle prize.


There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:27 PM.


Respectfully submitted,  

Johnny Watson, Secretary